And this is EXACTLY what I envision living in my new camper to be. But really. The Clipperette is in my driveway! Home!
The girls and I spent a few hours just hanging out in the Clipper this week. I think they're saying, "We're ready to go!"
We even had our first visitor! My little brother stopped by to hang out for awhile.Today the sun is shining and the birds are singing and I'm ready to get some work done. Although I love everything vintage I've decided that I'm not going to worry about staying true to the decade. This Clipperette was born in 1963- the same year that JFK was assassinated. Depressing. I'm more of a 50's girl myself, anyway. I also love the gypsy caravan style. So the Clipperette is going to be a modge podge of different styles, some of which I plan to achieve with the help of Mod Podge. That stuff is so cool! But more on that later. While I'm waiting for the Alcoa Gutterseal I ordered to arrive- I'm going to tackle some projects that are more fun than sealing seams. I've bought chalkboard paint for the cabinet door above the refrigerator and I'm working on something special for my new 'bedroom'. Happy camping!
I can't wait to see the chalk board paint that you add, that's such a fun idea! Then you can right notes to yourself, like, 'don't forget eggs' or maybe a nice inspiring quote. I'm anxious to see pics of that already!!