Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Daylight Saving Time!

Springing forward is so cool because it means more sunshine! It means more (outside of work) outside time! Spending time outdoors is one of the things that makes me happiest in life and that has a lot to do with my decision to live in the Clipper this summer.

Along with trying to teach Puppy that 'we don't have to lick to show that we love' (I thought if it kind of rhymed it would be easier for her to remember), I'm also trying to teach the girls' some Trailer Manners. In this picture they are behaving so well because I have two treats in my hand. Wish me luck on this one! GooGoo will be headed to the vet in the next few weeks because she can't move to the farm until she's spayed. Puppy got her shots yesterday and she's ready to go. Soon I will take her to the farm for a playdate with Mom's dog.

The chalkboard cabinet is done. The door just wouldn't sand down very smooth so I bought some cheap floppy board at Hobby Lobby and glued it onto the door then painted over it.

I've been saving all kinds of photographs for years and they sit in boxes and collect dust. When I came up with the idea to do a collage my first thought was that it would 'ruin' the pictures. Then I remembered that pictures are for looking at.

Looking at pictures of my favorite people everyday = more joy in my life! This collage is on the wall behind the booth seat and can't be seen unless you're sitting on the bed. It's a secret collage.

This fabric is from a curtain my mom made for her Scotty. I thought it was so cool that I took a picture and tiled it to make the background for my blog.

Everybody, meet Lurleen. Lurleen, meet everybody. Now my mom's got the vintage trailer bug and has been working on hers. It's in all original condition and in great shape, just like my mom.

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