Sunday, April 1, 2012

Back Where We Belong

We did it. We slept in The Clipper. Puppy and GooGoo ran back and forth from the bed to the door peeking out the windows and growling. After ten or fifteen minutes they finally started to settle down and that's when I realized I could hear the sad, sad sound of Conoco humming merrily along. (I used to try to pretend like it was the sound of the surf beating against the beach. It never worked.) A few minutes later the neighbor pulled in so the dogs barked at that. Then the neighbor left so the dogs barked at that, too. Then a girl came walking down the street talking on her cell phone and there was more barking. She stopped in front of my house and went back the other way. More barking as the pale green square of cell phone light floated away down the street. After about two hours we settled into something that is similar to this extremely technical illustration I've drawn for you all.
Actually it wasn't that bad. I only slept for about 4 hours and my shoulder was a little sore but I didn't break a sweat all night. With the windows around the bed opened there is a nice breeze. And I think Puppy slept on the floor, guarding the door. Good girl.

My mama called last night and asked me (for the 47th time) when I wanted to haul the trailer to the farm. I said, "How about tomorrow?" and she said, "O.K." So we hitched her back up and we were farm-ward bound.

Mom made me a little nervous flying down the dirt roads.

And we had a bit of an issue UN-hitching The Clipper. Nothing an hour of our time and a little WD40 couldn't fix.

So, she's home. It feels great. Being at the farm is like hugging Mother Nature if Mother Nature were a soft old grandma that smelled like lilacs. And not drug store lilac powder. Real ones! They're blooming everywhere and smell heavenly.

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