Monday, August 27, 2012

It's Only Castles Burning

My plans this year haven't worked out so far as family obligations have interfered. And that's ok. I haven't lived in the Clipper. And that's ok. I believe that everything happens for a reason and for me that doesn't only  apply to what happened 10 or 20 years ago, but 5 minutes ago, too. And although my plans didn't come to fruition, something much bigger and better has come about! More on that later, I'm sure. I'm excited to get back to blogging and my Sunday photo's. The latest photo was taken a few weeks ago at the Creede, CO cemetery. Yes, I got to go on vacation! And yes, I like to wander old cemeteries while on vacation. I never claimed to be normal! I'm also working on getting my Etsy shop up and running and I have a few items posted for sale. You can see those here:

Sunday Photo

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Back Where We Belong

We did it. We slept in The Clipper. Puppy and GooGoo ran back and forth from the bed to the door peeking out the windows and growling. After ten or fifteen minutes they finally started to settle down and that's when I realized I could hear the sad, sad sound of Conoco humming merrily along. (I used to try to pretend like it was the sound of the surf beating against the beach. It never worked.) A few minutes later the neighbor pulled in so the dogs barked at that. Then the neighbor left so the dogs barked at that, too. Then a girl came walking down the street talking on her cell phone and there was more barking. She stopped in front of my house and went back the other way. More barking as the pale green square of cell phone light floated away down the street. After about two hours we settled into something that is similar to this extremely technical illustration I've drawn for you all.
Actually it wasn't that bad. I only slept for about 4 hours and my shoulder was a little sore but I didn't break a sweat all night. With the windows around the bed opened there is a nice breeze. And I think Puppy slept on the floor, guarding the door. Good girl.

My mama called last night and asked me (for the 47th time) when I wanted to haul the trailer to the farm. I said, "How about tomorrow?" and she said, "O.K." So we hitched her back up and we were farm-ward bound.

Mom made me a little nervous flying down the dirt roads.

And we had a bit of an issue UN-hitching The Clipper. Nothing an hour of our time and a little WD40 couldn't fix.

So, she's home. It feels great. Being at the farm is like hugging Mother Nature if Mother Nature were a soft old grandma that smelled like lilacs. And not drug store lilac powder. Real ones! They're blooming everywhere and smell heavenly.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

What Am I Waiting For?

I haven't even slept in The Clipper yet. I have no set date to move into The Clipper or to move The Clipper to the farm. Why? What am I waiting for? I asked myself this question a few weeks ago and I'm not sure what the answer is.

Is it because there's not a proper plug for my computer and I'm afraid I'll have Mad Men withdrawals?

Is it because The Clipper is sitting in the driveway and the traffic will wake me? Or The Pups will bark at every cat, skunk, raccoon, and opossum that waddles past?

Is it because I might get too hot? (Even though I'm sleeping in the house with no a/c)

Is it because I'm afraid that half-gallon of expired milk in my fridge will get lonely?

Is it because someone might come along and hitch me up while I'm sleeping and I'll wake up in Mexico? (Actually that one might not be too bad)

I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!

I also don't think the 'why' is very important. It's time to take the plunge!

This is my routine: I wait and wait and procrastinate and analyze and then just when nobody's looking I do it. It's like I'm 10 years old and I'm standing at the edge of the highest diving board at Wentz- scared to jump. But I've jumped so many times before that I know I shouldn't be scared because that free-falling feeling is glorious! After so much deliberation I'm still not positive that I'm ready to take the plunge, but I do it anyway.

SO, tonight I shall sleep in the camper. Perhaps my Sunday Photo will be my sleepy eyed self waking up in The Clipper. At any rate, I will report back.

And who knows? Maybe tomorrow night The Clipper and The Pups and I will be at the farm.

"If we fear nothing and radiate love, we can expect good things to come."
 ~Peace Pilgrim

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This is my logo, if you will. My original intention with this blog was to showcase cool vintage finds and then link to an etsy or ebay store where the item would be for sale. Then I procrastinated. Then I got the Clipper so I decided to write about that. Then I started telling people to look at my blog so they could see my trailer. Then I saw an ad for 200 business cards for $9.99. And then I drew a cute little picture in ms paint and ordered cards and now I think that picture is a great logo. Excitement breeds ideas and I'm hoping those ideas can lead me into a situation where I can work for myself instead of giving so much of my time to make other people money. I certainly don't have big hopes of striking it rich but, if I can make what I make now but do it working for myself that would be truly priceless. So, I am going to blog about some of the things that I currently have for sale in a bricks and mortar store. I also have another new idea in the works and I'm excited to share that here, too. If you're only here for vintage trailer stuff (holler out to Bob W!!) then please feel free to skip right over the other junk! Love you all!

“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”
Pablo Picasso

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Daylight Saving Time!

Springing forward is so cool because it means more sunshine! It means more (outside of work) outside time! Spending time outdoors is one of the things that makes me happiest in life and that has a lot to do with my decision to live in the Clipper this summer.

Along with trying to teach Puppy that 'we don't have to lick to show that we love' (I thought if it kind of rhymed it would be easier for her to remember), I'm also trying to teach the girls' some Trailer Manners. In this picture they are behaving so well because I have two treats in my hand. Wish me luck on this one! GooGoo will be headed to the vet in the next few weeks because she can't move to the farm until she's spayed. Puppy got her shots yesterday and she's ready to go. Soon I will take her to the farm for a playdate with Mom's dog.

The chalkboard cabinet is done. The door just wouldn't sand down very smooth so I bought some cheap floppy board at Hobby Lobby and glued it onto the door then painted over it.

I've been saving all kinds of photographs for years and they sit in boxes and collect dust. When I came up with the idea to do a collage my first thought was that it would 'ruin' the pictures. Then I remembered that pictures are for looking at.

Looking at pictures of my favorite people everyday = more joy in my life! This collage is on the wall behind the booth seat and can't be seen unless you're sitting on the bed. It's a secret collage.

This fabric is from a curtain my mom made for her Scotty. I thought it was so cool that I took a picture and tiled it to make the background for my blog.

Everybody, meet Lurleen. Lurleen, meet everybody. Now my mom's got the vintage trailer bug and has been working on hers. It's in all original condition and in great shape, just like my mom.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Little Vintage Trailer Give-a-way.

Little Vintage TrailerLittle Vintage Trailer is giving away one Empire RV or car cover! Enter here.

"  Empire RV covers are water-resistant, and come with a unique easy on, easy off clinching system that guarantees a secure fit. Their ProTECHtor RV cover comes with buckles and adjustable straps that will keep your cover snug, and features passenger side zippers that allow easy access to your camper."

While you're there check out Kelle's super neat website!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Mr. Frog & Mr. Stump

Mr. Frog and Mr. Stump are in the house! My dad painted this picture in 1978. When my older brother and I were but wee tots our nightly bedtime stories were an epic saga of the adventures of these two. In each story one of them faced certain doom until the other came to his rescue. Mr. Frog and Mr. Stump lived along the Osage side of the Arkansas River. I remember when Mr. Stump got too near the camp fire and Mr. Frog had to douse him with water from the river. My papa had an awesome imagination.

I found this cool wrapping paper at Hobby Lobby and decided to use it to cover the closet door. It's not perfect but it's also not important. I can always redo it later if it doesn't work out.

I bought the mirror from my friend Johanna for SEVEN DOLLARS! She has neat stuff at great prices. You can see her Etsy store here: Hannah's Vintage Stew She also has a booth at the Marland Mall here in Ponca City.

I under-estimated how much sealant I would need for the seams on the roof so will have to order one more tube. I also need to replace a cabinet latch and some window hardware. All of these are available at Vintage Trailer Supply. I also tested the pipes by dumping some water down the sink. It came dripping out of some big rusty thing under the trailer, which is better than on the floor under the sink! "It drains faster than your bathtub", said my little brother. That's not saying much. I seem to be plagued by plumbing problems lately, but what else can you expect from a 70 year old house or a 50 year old trailer?

I'm having so much fun working on The Clipper!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'm a Happy Camper

                                                        photo by Amanda Cremers

We've had such beautiful weather here in Oklahoma, great for working on the Clipper. Several friends have stopped by to see the trailer and it's so much fun to have visitors!

The new foam mattress arrived last week and Kitten Mitten was eager to 'help' cut it down to size.

I used this old Peel King to cut the mattress. The blade was very sharp and I was careful to keep my fingers out of the way.

I did end up with a pretty good scratch but it wasn't from the Peel King.
Gee thanks, Kitty.

The mattress is 5" memory foam, $99 at J.C. Penney's. Puppy says, "It'll do, but where are you gonna sleep?"

I also replaced the glass in the jalousie window in the door. Super easy fix and only cost a couple of bucks. I  replaced the screen, too and that was even cheaper. I bought used screen still in the frame at the Habitat store for 30 cents each! Because it was still in the frame I was able to re-use the rubber edging. I figure I would have spent at least $15 if I bought all this brand new at Lowe's.

Speaking of windows -I found the front window under the bed! It's also the jalousie style and I'm hoping it'll be as easy to install as the door window was. Now I can get that nasty old a/c out, although I will most likely replace it with a new a/c in the next couple of months.

I started sealing the roof last Thursday but it was so windy I only got half way done and then I got scared. I had to yell at my little brother's girlfriend to come hold the ladder so I could climb down. The high tomorrow is 77!!! I plan to finish sealing then.

Sunday I only got a half day of work in because I just had to go to the river. There is nothing quite like watching the sun rise over the Arkansas.

I also went to the farm Sunday afternoon to scout out a location for the trailer. I think the pecan grove would be an awesome front yard.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

At anchor from all storms of mental strain

Summer Plans 2012

Be outside
Take a vacation
Spend more time with family and friends.
Work in the dirt
Play with the pups
Eat good food
Take naps
Read a lot of books
Haul the Clipper to the farm and LIVE IN IT!!

That's right. I'm going to live in the Clipper.

Work on the trailer is moving along nicely. Tomorrow I plan to climb up on the roof and seal seams, replace a few screens, and give Marvel a good scrubbing. Yep, I named her Marvel. It's in honor of my Great-Aunt Marvel who also had a travel trailer and hauled it all around the country. Awesome! According to my mother she was a flapper. And it just occurred to me what a strange word that is...Flapper. That's her in the picture. Stylin'. 

‘The Farm’ is my Granddads pecan farm. My mother lives in the farm house.  My very earliest memories are at the farm- playing in the dirt, or on the front porch  with my Weeble Wobbles. There were also times that I was forced to dress up like Robin or Tonto, I never got to be Batman or The Lone Ranger. My brother was the boss. Good times! It’s far away from town and it’s quiet and peaceful and all green and blue. I’m guessing it’ll be a few months before we actually do it as it is only Feb 21 and it can't be summer all winter, can it?

I made curtains out of a vintage table runner and  buttons and I think it turned out nice. Very simple- the only sewing is stitching the buttons. This curtain is for the 'master' bedroom and I plan to do the 'draperies' in the kitchen and dining/guest room in the same style but with different fabric.

And another pic of this very complicated process:

A dreamy day; and tranquilly I lie
At anchor from all storms of mental strain;
With absent vision, gazing at the sky...

from A Summer Afternoon by James Whitcomb Riley

Finally Home.

And this is EXACTLY what I envision living in my new camper to be. But really. The Clipperette is in my driveway! Home!
The girls and I spent a few hours just hanging out in the Clipper this week. I think they're saying, "We're ready to go!"
We even had our first visitor! My little brother stopped by to hang out for awhile.Today the sun is shining and the birds are singing and I'm ready to get some work done. Although I love everything vintage I've decided that I'm not going to worry about staying true to the decade. This Clipperette was born in 1963- the same year that JFK was assassinated. Depressing. I'm more of a 50's girl myself, anyway. I also love the gypsy caravan style. So the Clipperette is going to be a modge podge of different styles, some of which I plan to achieve with the help of Mod Podge. That stuff is so cool! But more on that later. While I'm waiting for the Alcoa Gutterseal I ordered to arrive- I'm going to tackle some projects that are more fun than sealing seams. I've bought chalkboard paint for the cabinet door above the refrigerator and I'm working on something special for my new 'bedroom'. Happy camping!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Clipperette

I am in the process of purchasing a 1963 Clipper travel trailer. I'm heading out tomorrow to pay it off/ pick up the title. Then I'll have a few weeks to get the title sorted out before I tow her home. I hope to document my journey here! Vintage travel trailers have become quite popular and there are dozens of fantastic website's out there. One that I have visited most often is
I plan to live in the trailer this Spring/Summer. It all started with a desire to return to a more simple life, and a need to find a more affordable lifestyle. I've reached a crossroads in my life where I am still (somewhat) young and have the opportunity to start doing some things for myself without having to worry so much about my children. Exciting! I'm also at a point in my life where I'm far less frightened of the 'unknowns' and feel like I am ready to jump in to a new adventure.